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Phineas J Legheart Vampire Killing Kits

You find yourself and your loved ones at the mercy of a creature of the night. Fearing for your life, you send word to the greatest vampire hunter of all time, Phineas J Legheart. All you can do is wait and hope. A short time later a knock comes to your door. Could this be the answer to your prayers? Has the great vampire hunter come to your aid? You answer the door only to find a package and a letter.

You open the letter and find that Phineas will not be coming. Urgent business in Transylvania has kept him from your door but all is not lost. The great slayer of vampires as sent you his kit, well worn from dozens of kills, and a book of instruction on how to fell the loathsome creature of the night. You open the package and examine the kit to find he has sent you all you need to do battle with the evil beast. It's up to you now, with the knowledge and the well used tools he has sent you, you must defeat the soulless vile creature and save your family and village. It's your turn to join the ranks of those few who dare to call themselves vampire hunter.

Find more Phineas J Legheart vampire killing kits and a place to purchase them at or


The Executive Vampire Killing Kit .....................................................................$245 + $15 SH SOLD



Small Secret Vampire Killing Kit ....................................................................................$95 + SH SOLD



Small Vampire Killing Kit ...................................................................................................$110 SOLD


Large Vampire Killing Kit....................................................................................................$230 SOLD

Check out our video for details.



